WonderCon 2018 is almost here!
Since arriving in Anaheim (from San Francisco) in 2012, the event has maintained its standing as a premier pop-culture convention…

As such, WonderCon should be a MUST-ATTEND event for movie studios with properties that could benefit from a promotional push between now and San Diego Comic Con (SDCC) in mid-July. Yet, despite several studios having big-budget genre films hitting theaters in the next few months, Sony Pictures is currently the only confirmed movie studio presenting at WonderCon.
But with rumors of a Warner Brothers Pictures presence, WonderCon attendees shouldn’t give-up hope of more involvement from movie studios.
…Especially considering Warner Bros’ rumored attendance isn’t too far-fetched.
Here’s three reasons why:
1. Warner Bros’ comic book and television divisions are already confirmed at WonderCon!
According to the convention’s exhibitors list, DC Comics has a booth on the event floor that could easily accommodate some shared-space for any special movie-promo events.
Additionally, WonderCon recently sent out a tweet confirming Warner Bros’ television division will attend, with the new SYFY show, Krypton in-tow.

And if past years’ events are an indication, it’s likely at least one, but probably more (hopefully) of DC’s other superhero shows will also have a presence!
2. Wonder Woman at WonderCon stole the show in 2017!
Last year, Warner Bros had the good sense to host a Wonder Woman panel that included Director Patty Jenkins and never-before-seen clips of the movie. Additionally, the DC Comics booth hosted a signing with Jenkins, where attendees received t-shirts, pins and signed posters.

Wonder Woman definitely came away from WonderCon with a lot of positive buzz that surely added to its great word-of-mouth and huge box office receipts when it was released in theaters on June 4.
Warner Bros could effortlessly mimic the WonderCon strategy they used for Wonder Woman, and apply that same strategy to any high profile, genre movie released before SDCC.
And speaking of which…
3. Ready Player One and Rampage open nation-wide one week and three weeks respectively after WonderCon!
WonderCon presents the PERFECT opportunity for Warner Bros to build additional buzz for the hotly anticipated Ready Player One movie adaptation.
…And if The Rock actually came to WonderCon to support the April 20 release of Rampage… FORGET ABOUT IT!!!
A Warner Bros movie presence at WonderCon, anchored by Ready Player One… With an appearance by The Rock to hype Rampage… Including a trailer for Aquaman… And maybe even sneaking in a teaser for Fantastical Beast: The Crimes of Grindelwald… would be a HUGE win for the studio!
Warner Bros navigated WonderCon perfectly last year, and could again be positioned to reap the benefits of being the biggest
fish in an under-utilized pond.
…of course, without confirmation, this is all just speculation.
As an eager attendee, it’s nice to dream. And in case I’m completely off-mark in my prediction…
Someone please forward this blog post to Warner Bros’ marketing team, and let them know they have less-than a month to MAKE-IT-HAPPEN!!!