Catalyst Prime is the superhero imprint from comics publisher, Lion Forge. It began in 2017 with the free comic book day issue, Catalyst Prime The Event. The focus of this superhero universe is to promote diversity and inclusion in both characters and creators.
The Catalyst Prime Universe (CPU) spawned seven different titles in over two years. Now, the CPU will experience its first major cross over event, Catalyst Prime Seven Days– engineered by comics scribe, Gail Simone.
A month prior to Seven Days, Lion Forge held a week-long, daily giveaway to promote the signature mini-series. Amongst the SWAG were t-shirts featuring heroes of the CPU. Below is the shirt featuring Noble, star of the flagship book.
Lion Forge made the most of the shirt’s marketing power by including the series’ logo on the front and name on the back- with the Catalyst Prime logo and the Lion Forge logo prominently displayed on each sleeve.
In addition, after a mailing error, Lion Forge went above and beyond by correcting the mistake with even more SWAG! This included a shirt featuring hero, Summit, a button, and a decal. Best of all, The “Impact Shelter” decal is a wink to readers who recognize the shelter’s significance to the story’s near extinction-level event that granted powers to regular joes.
Lion Forge did a nice job promoting the crossover event, and it will be exciting to see the superheroes of the CPU team up for the first time.
Catalyst Prime Seven Days #1 hits stands Wednesday, October 2.