As the week’s widest theatrical release, It: Chapter Two is sure to come away as the weekend box office champ.
The movie’s dominating presence in theaters is reminiscent of its huge San Diego Comic Con (SDCC) presence this past July 17-21. It: Chapter Two was all over San Diego, and as a result, the movie’s Sept. 6, release may have seemed a long-time-coming to SDCC attendees. But the time has come… and audiences are finally getting a chance to see if “It” lives up to the hype.
Part of that hype is the SWAG created to market and promote the horror flick.
With It: Chapter Two as the centerpiece of both the Wednesday taping of the Conan Show, and the Warner Brothers (WB) hosted, ScareDiego annual event, the movie was the biggest and most desired game in town during SDCC Preview Night.
At both events, Conan O’Brien hosted a Q & A featuring the movie cast, and gifted audiences with the coveted Pennywise, Conan Funko Pop!. Other than the exclusive footage shown at ScareDiego, the events were very similar. However, in addition to the Funko Pop!, The ScareDiego audience also received an enamel pin of the iconic “It” red balloons.

The Funko Pop! was highly prized, but the most exclusive It: Chapter Two SWAG at SDCC was the coveted movie cast signing!
On Thursday, the first full day of the convention, WB hosted a cast signing at their huge booth on the convention showroom floor. The signing event could only be attended by those lucky-enough to score wristbands through an online lottery, and was limited to less than 100 people.
The poster was signed by the whole, “Losers” cast, including:
Jay Ryan
Jessica Chastain
James McAvoy
Isaiah Mustafa
Bill Hader
James Ransone
Andy Bean
Andy Muschietti- Director
While the signed poster SWAG was available exclusively to attendees of the signing event, It: Chapter Two SWAG at SDCC could also be had by any & everyone walking around downtown San Diego during the five-day event. As the cover subject of the Entertainment Weekly (EW), Comic-Con Bonus Issue, the movie was front-&-center-of-attention, as street teams passed-out copies of the magazine to passers-by.
With the Conan show, ScareDiego, a cast signing, and an EW cover story, it seems the It: Chapter Two marketing and promotion teams were hellbent on making sure most, if not ALL, con-goers walked away from SDCC with an awareness of the movie’s impending release. And with SWAG as physical souvenirs of the It presence in San Diego, the movie hasn’t been far from the minds of SDCC attendees since late July- when the convention ended.
Now, with the movie finally in theaters, it’s difficult to tell what effect the SDCC awareness will have on box office receipts. But if the movie does well… ESPECIALLY on opening weekend, hopefully the WB marketing machine and other promotions teams will take note of, and emulate, the “It” formula…
…Just think of all the wonderful SWAG opportunities!
The evil clown Pennywise has returned to torment the grown-up members of the Losers’ Club and can be seen in theaters now!