“A Nazi revenge series staring Al Pacino”…
That definition alone is enough to pique many people’s curiosity.
And when the new Amazon Prime Video series, Hunters, dropped, February 21, most viewers dove into the series with only the preview teaser as an idea of what to expect… However, those fortunate to attend the amazing immersive experience, “Hunters– With Killer Afterparty”, held at the Los Angeles Highland Theaters and Park Bowl, Feb. 20-23 got SOOOO much more!
Considering the show’s subject matter, the lightheartedness of the immersive experience could have seemed inappropriate. But Hunters isn’t a somber drama… It’s an action-revenge flick in 10 episodes!

This was made obvious from the in-character actors dressed in period costumes, creating a “fun” ‘70s vibe at the experience. Also, the posters and props scattered inside and outside the theater & bowling alley added to the lighthearted atmosphere.
…And if there was still any questions about the mood of the show, those questions surely disappeared after viewing the first episode.

The premiere viewing, combined with the immersive event made it perfectly clear that viewers are expected to experience as much joy and satisfaction from the Hunters’ revenge, as the hunters themselves!
As a result, attendees of the immersive experience were treated to enough food, entertainment, and SWAG to keep anyone in good spirits!

The tote bags, t-shirts, and socks… comic books, posters, stickers, and flyers… pizza, cocktails, popcorn, soda, and candy… all enhanced the episode viewing, and immersive experience. But of all the SWAG provided, the six-page, Hunters comic books and balloon stickers were arguably the best of the bunch.
With a story that fleshes-out a seemingly throwaway line mentioned in the first episode, the comic book (digital copy available free on Comixology) is a wink-and-nod bonus for those paying attention. And while all the other SWAG items are “branded” with the Hunters logo, the balloon sticker forgoes branding, and instead feels TRULY immersive, as a recreation of an item that lead character, Jonah, finds among his grandmother’s secret artifacts in the first episode.

It’s SWAG like these two items that creates super-fans who feel “invested”, and keep coming back for more!
…and after experiencing this fun immersive event, and its engaging first episode, it’s highly likely that most -if not all- attendees of “Hunters– With Killer Afterparty” have every intention of heading to Amazon Prime Video to complete their immersion into the Hunters world!